Dr. Manjunath S

Kidney, Pancreas

about Dr. Manjunath S

Dr. Manjunath S Is a Senior Consultant Nephrologist and Renal Transplant Physician at SS SPARSH Hospital, Mysore Road,Bengaluru.Dr.Manjunath has completed his graduationfrom KIMS,Bengaluru, and his post-graduationfromBangalore Medical College,Kamataka. Further.he hassuperspecialised in Nephrology and Renal Transplantation from St John's Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru.He has a decade-rich expertence inthelreld of Nephrology.Prior to joining SPARSH,he has worked as anassistant professor of Nephrology at JSS MedicalCollege,Mysuru, and as aconsultant Nephrologist inawell-known  Bengaluruhospital.
He isproficient inthe evaluation and management of nephrotic syndrome, autoimmune renaldisorders, genetic renaldisorders,acote kidneylnjuty,chronlc kidney disease,diabetic kidney disease,end-stage renal disease,hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis,continuous renal replacement therapy,urinary tract
infectionsand   electrolytedisorders.
Dr.ManJunath has experience of more than a decade In Deceased and live donor kidney transplantation. He also has experience in Paediatric renal transp'lantation, preemptive renal transplantation,ABO
incompallble transplantation and Dual organ transl'Jlantation (combined liver + kidney, pancreas + kidney). He is also associated as a support team In the comanagement of heart and lung transplantations.
He is expertise in conducting kidney biopsy (native and transplant graft), acute peritoneal dialysis catheterplacement,tunnelled and non-tunnelled dialysiscatheterinsertion.
Being a patient-centric consultant who contributes to servicing the community. he has rendered services to kidney disease patients in rural parts of Karnataka. He has authored several national publications andpresented research papers inmany nationalforums. He also happens to beamember of many reputed national and InternationalNephrology associations.



He is expertise in conducting kidney biopsy (native and transplant graft), acute peritoneal dialysis catheterplacement,tunnelled and non-tunnelled dialysiscatheterinsertion.